Archive for July, 2019

Hello out there…

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on July 18, 2019 by pieman70

So, where were we?

Yes, it has been a while since I posted here.  To be honest I wonder if anyone still blogs what with podcasts and YouTubes and the like.  Wait, someone said YouTube? I do that now.   Want to see some rather inept let’s plays? No, I suppose you don’t.  We’ll if you change your mind you can see my stuff here

So, why have I decided to blog again?  In truth, I haven’t.  This may be nothing more than a fleeting fancy, hells, I was surprised this was all here, what a miraculous modern age we live in eh?

I was tempted to cull the blog and start from scratch, possibly see if I can give it more focus, but I decided that it is worth keeping the past here no matter how embarrassing or stupid it is.  I feel it is important to see where you have been, see how far you have come etc.  So the full archive is there but I do stress that the newest post is around 5 years old and quite a bit has happened between then and now so please take that into account.

So, do I have an idea as to what this blog will be?  Quite frankly, no.  It will most likely be a sounding board for things that lodge in my skull and need an outlet, in short a world of stuff.  There will be a few differences to previous posts.  The most obvious is that I will generally try not to do straight political stuff, this is because I’m not that good about it and, quite frankly, with the absolute state of British politics at the moment it is very hard not to just post screaming, so I’ll lock that terror in a box and hide it in a nicely healthy way.  The second is that I am aiming more for positivity.  This is partly because I am not particularly good at ranty polemics roasting things for being terrible, but also because, to take a leaf from a Star Wars film, I want to promote what I love rather than trying to destroy what I hate.

So, if I manage to do some form of update schedule, expect to see some odd ramblings in here in the near future.